
Frequently Asked Questions

View our shipping rates page.

It is up to you to research and understand any local and state laws in your area related to the importation of alcoholic beverages. On your request, RareStorage will hand off your personal property to a 3rd party carrier on your behalf, but makes no representation as to the legality of you importing your wine to your address.

The following states are NOT available: AL, AR, MS, SD, UT, VT

We only ship within the United States at this time.

RareStorage LLC is a separate company that specializes in storage and assisting clients in getting their personal property safely sent to them.

Transactions with K&L happen in California, with California sales tax, and title transfers to the buyer in California at the time the order is handed off to RareStorage.

RareStorage has a location near K&L's main warehouse, and we work closely with them to ensure our clients get the best possible service.

K&L provides RareStorage with a data file containing your stored items at the time they are handed off to RareStorage. RareStorage will create an invoice on this website where you can request shipment and pay the shipping fees.

We typically coordinate shipments 3-4 times per month. This service is intended for marquee collections and may not be ideal for quick delivery of everyday bottles.

Eventually - yes! Currently - no, we don't have that option but we are working to add it very soon. At that time we can receive your other shipments and consolidate them with your stored items at RareStorage.

RareStorage specializes in storing our customers' collections. If customers choose to have their personal property shipped to them, we can assist in helping them self-import their own personal property. However, shipments of gift orders do not fall under this framework, and we are concerned that they may violate the law. Therefore, we are unable to conduct this type of transaction.
